The importance on Renewable energy is constantly in the news and media, with pressure on ordinary people to make marginal changes to their day for a general effect. Get Me Active have set up a competition which runs the whole of Kent – the Kent Smarter Travel Scheme – a local solution to a global problem.

What is Kent Smarter Travel?

Kent Smarter Travel is a scheme which encourages people to take Green measurements to get to work I.e. Walking, Cycling, Running, Car Sharing – even stuff like switching to Skype for meetings instead of driving!

When does the scheme start and end?

The scheme runs from the 1st June-10th July 2015. There’s weekly prizes and you can enter as an individual or rack up those green miles as a company – there’s affiliation with Sustrans and Transport for Kent County council with great prizes each week!

What can I win and what does it mean for the environment?

You can win up to £1000 towards Bike equipment! There are four monthly prizes and an overall prize for the grand leaderboard winner. Here at Biketart we really support green travel – it’s fast, easy and fun. Even cycling can be a stress free way to get to work and get your calories down. Any journey that means you’re travelling smarter to and from work counts! This includes walking, cycling, using public transport, electric vehicle and car sharing. If you work from home or join a teleconference instead of traveling to a meeting, this will count too!

Where do I sign up?

Get in contact with your Business administrator and start racking up those miles! Make a good impact on the community, roads and carbon footprint by doing your bit for a brighter future. Will you be riding in? We know we will.